The science of sound therapy

Sound Healing is based in the laws of physics and the concept of Resonance. Every organ, cell, bone, tissue and liquid in the body has a vibratory frequency.

Here’s the science behind sound therapy.

When faced with stress, chronic fatigue, overwhelming situations & unhealthy environments we become dissonant & 'out of tune' with health. Our vibration becomes one of illness, disease and toxicity. Sound can relax, retune & rebalance our physical cells and our emotional and mental states into a state of health, homeostasis and wellbeing.


The Healing Tracks are composed by a sound therapist and sound engineer. Following a consultation with Kerrie and track selection to meet your personal needs, simply lay on the lounge and allow yourself to relax, retune & rebalance.

Within 20 minutes, The Energy Spa’s Vibrosound Bed experience shifts your brainwaves to a relaxed state allowing the frequencies to bring your cells into balance. Bespoke compositions combine complimentary hz specifically selected for a range of health conditions.


Resonance is the act of one vibration setting another object, thing, body into motion. In this case, there are many different vibrations setting your physical body and cellular structure into motion. The laws of physics explain how a stronger vibration will entrain a weaker vibration. When a cell is out of tune, it loses its form and structure; when the frequencies of the lounge pulse throughout the body the cells are given the 'stronger' (more stable and precise) frequency to re-tune themselves to. The same process works for our emotions - the power of sound can shift our emotional states to resonate at higher octaves such as peace, joy, compassion for self, integration, grounding - as opposed to lower vibrational energies such as stress, fear, worry and isolation. Through the process of Cymatics we can clearly perceive the very physical effects that sound creates on matter and form


We are constantly entraining to the external environments around us, which then affect our internal environment. The rhythm of traffic, the modern-day world, the pulsing lights from our screens - all of these pulsations are embedded into our bodies through a process called entrainment.

Our natural rhythms and cycles of the blood flowing, our heart beating, and our brainwaves cycling is thus affected by an outside force. When we allow ourselves the time to disconnect and reconnect into innate and healthy rhythms, we can come into a space of homeostasis and deeply connect our physicality, our thoughts, our emotions and our state of being back into the truth of who we are; peaceful, calm and healthy

Spending time to synchronise our brainwaves allows for a whole range of positive benefits; our ability to study, focus, improve memory and enhance interpersonal skills. Through the rhythms of the music and crystal singing bowls, our brainwaves can entrain from a high-alert and often erratic firing of synapses to a slower rhythm.

This allows us to access other states of being; like deeply meditative states such as the Theta brainwave state where we have access to 'sort out' and process our subconscious thoughts and memories. There is much to be discovered through this process, and more information can be found in the research.

Here are just a few links to research studies:

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) for Sleep Disturbances

Body Dissatisfaction Diminishes with Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT)

Low-Frequency Sound Stimulation on Patients with Fibromyalgia

Stamford University - Heart Tissue Regeneration Study using Vibroacoustic Therapy

Vibroacoustic Therapy in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma

Using sound science for reducing pain, anxiety, and depression in cancer patients.

Effectiveness of sound and frequency in healing physical, generational, and emotional trauma and PTSD


  • Cellular rejuvenation

  • Muscle repair

  • Shifts & transforms anxious mental states

  • Creates coherence in brainwave activity

  • Binaural effect synchronises left & right brain

  • Minimises excessive thoughts into the current moment

  • Centring & grounding

  • Greater sense of self

  • Calms & enhances moods

  • Assists meditative practice

  • Offers long-term emotional regulation

  • Soothes chronic anxiety • Enlivens those with depressive feelings

  • Allows greater focus on mind/ body awareness


The Energy Spa’s Vibrosound Bed utilises tactile transducers, which transmit a high-definition, low-frequency vibration. These vibrations pan up and down the body, sending signals to the cells enabling them to retune to their optimal state. Sound waves have the capacity to affect your physical state.

Frequencies flow throughout the body and into the energy field, which comprises the mental and emotional vibrational layers of the electromagnetic field surrounding all living things.

The headphones and Vibrosound Lounge are connected to a media player, with the same Audio Healing Track playing through both the headphones (delivering sound to the auditory nerves) and also through the transducers within the lounge, delivering the Hz vibration directly to the physical body.

The Energy Spa’s Vibrosound Bed provides the optimum experience integrating heard and felt sound for health and well-being.