A Guide to the Healing Solfeggio and Rife Frequencies

  • Relieves Pain and promotes endorphin production and elevates mood

    Regular treatments Improves neurotransmitter pathways and Improves focus and memory

    Promotes feelings of well-being and empathy

    Promotes Deep Meditation

  • DescReduces Back Pain, Knee Pain, Leg Pain, Feet Pain

    Relaxes muscles and lessens tensions in the body

    Relieves headaches and migraines

    Calms the mind and Evokes feelings of love, courage, safety and reassurance

    Reduces Stress

  • Speeds up wound healing including burns, fractures , sprains and other injuries

    Promotes endorphin production and elevates mood

    Supports tissue regeneration

    Enhances the immune system

  • Balances energy and reduces worry and fears

    Balances energy from emotional grief

    Promotes self belief and removes blocks from achieving your goals

  • Releases negative energy

    Relieves trauma, shame and anger based emotions

    Promotes positively embracing change

    Improves Thinking Processes

    Aids in restful sleep

  • Heightens intuition, creativity and connection

    Helps relieves emotional blocks

    Reduces anxiety

    Assists in lowering blood pressure

    Balances body and mind

    Beneficial for memory recall in Alzheimer's and stroke patients

  • Promotes self-assurance, self-esteem and confidence

    Studies show links to DNA repair

    Reduces damaging effects of alcohol consumption

    Reduces stress hormone levels, heals mind and body

    Improves concentration and Increases creativity

    Promotes feelings of love and positivity

  • Balances energy and reduces worry and fears

    Balances energy from emotional grief

    Promotes self belief and removes blocks from achieving your goals

  • Heals emotional blockages allowing you to express yourself authentically

    It can detox the body from toxins pollutants including viruses, fungi, bacteria and electromagnetic toxins

    Often used to help those with chronic pain as part of a treatment plan with 111 & 174hz

    Heightens levels of tolerance, understanding and patience

    Can help awaken intuition, clarity of thinking and problem solving

  • It can facilitate a connection to your higher self and the ability to access your own inner guidance.

    It can help you return to spiritual order.

    It can help you cut through illusions and see the reality of situations.

    It's great for meditation, Reiki and astral projection.

  • Attunes energy for a deep connection to ourselves and everything around us

    Consciously connects us to our sub-conscious mind, bringing ideas and solutions

    Aligns with frequency of pineal gland and promotes higher level meditation and oneness

    Resets spiritual DNA, empowers cellular enlightenment and enhances intuition