Deep relaxation and sleep track menu

Frequencies that align with our emotional energies and mind. Healing frequencies promote the release of endorphins, improve restful sleep, reduce insomnia and improve sleep patterns, reduce the symptoms of anxiety, depression and PTSD, release stored energy within the body that creates imbalance, release and balance blocked emotions and improve clarity of thinking, problem solving and creativity.

528hz - Deepest Sleep / Vibrate With Oneness

The healing intention of this track is to take you on a journey to completely let go of your mind, your body and to drift out into the vastness of space - finding yourself floating in the eternal love of Source Consciousness. The track is tuned to the Solfeggio Frequency of 528hz, with an emphasis on coming into the Heart Space and feeling safe, nurtured and ready to drift off to deep rest and sleep.

When to use: When feeling anxious, struggling with insomnia, when life is feeling overwhelming and you need to ‘switch off’. Take deep long breaths as you drift into the soundscape, allowing your being to vibrate with the light of the Universe, the stars and all that is.

Feeling safe in your body

This track is a highly grounding energy, the intention is to create a sense of connection with the mind, body and the Earth. Allow the quartz, citrine and venusian energies to spark a sense of warmth within your body. The chord structure is very simple, allowing a sense of safety and continuousness for the nervous system to truly relax.

The healing sounds of nature, coupled with the intention of the rhythms to begin a re-connection with physicality, emotional balance and ease. This track is great for PTSD, anxiety, any disorder where it is uncomfortable to be within the body!

Set your intention to ground your energy down into the Earth, and release out through the breath any fears, tensions or worries. Bring to mind a memory of when you felt safe, protected, love, connected and expand this feeling right throughout your cellular and molecular structures- recreating a new sense of safety in your body.

Cleansing Waters, Golden Alchemy - Balancing Masculine and Feminine

This track takes on a journey to find the centre point of your being-ness, and reconnecting you into the harmony of living a life aligned to your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects working together.

We each hold both Masculine and Feminine Energies, and when out of alignment it can create a range of disconnected or dysfunctional aspects in our reality. The instrumentation of this track has the intention to reharmonise both channels, breathe the sound vibrations in throughout the left side of your body, breathe the imbalances out. Breathe in through the right, and release - let go and drift into homeostasis.

Deep calm - kids, teens, adults

Welcome to a world of complete relaxation.

This track has been composed to invoke a sound healing experience that gives your mind, body and soul a deep rest. The musicality of the track is consciously created as a very basic structure, so the mind can almost tune out and focus on slowing down the breathing and thought patterns.

This track has been created with the thought of kids and teens needing to unplug from the array of media, data, information input they receive and to create time to focus purely on their sense of self - their connection to their body and listening fully to a sound healing journey, to see where their imagination and mind may wander when visuals and stimulation are taken away!

Day At The Spa

Day At The Spa is inspired by a need for a total body massage, without having to find a massage therapist. This track employs panning vibrations from 33hz-97hz which moves through every frequency of the spine and the nerve bundles in the lumbar. The vibrations are felt as a wave up and down the body, allowing you to relax those hard to reach tensions in the body. The instrumentation is influenced by oriental instrumentation such as the bamboo flute, running water and gorgeous piano melodic lines.

Invest 20 minutes in this track, go on a journey and find yourself in a world of deep, deep relaxation. Specifically designed to target tension and assist the lymphatic to detoxify and retune.

Crystalline Intelligence

This track is made for the purpose of delivering crystalline healing, allowing each of the crystal bowls to interact with only each other, to create an energetic stream of healing vibrations, rhythmic pulses to shift the brainwaves and a purification of dense energies/emotions to connect with the Higher Self. The lack of added melody allows your mind to wander, your spirit to soar and your soul to touch the deepest essences of Home.

The crystal singing bowls are purely quartz, amethyst, citrine, mother of pearl and the frequencies cover the resonant frequencies of each of the energy centres.  

Close your eyes and allow your whole being to be bathed in the sounds of Crystalline intelligence and gentle nature sounds.

Unity Consciousness and the Sun

This track was composed with an energy for all to connect to, who wish to remember and embody the feeling of Unity Consciousness. Those who are tired of feeling separate, isolated, misunderstood, or rejected by society.

The frequencies are uplifting and hold the imprint of remembering we are all one consciousness. The Sun is a highly clearing energy, allowing us to become illuminated and to wash away the dust and negative imprinting from society, authority, restrictive powers that be.

Set your own intention to wash away anything or anyone, any situation which you feel no longer represents the truth of who you are.

Feel the sounds of the nature, the breathy flute, the progression of the music and allow yourself to open your imagination to a world of connection, understanding, love and compassion. Feel the expansive music wash through your heart, your mind, and out into the energy field - to retune, uplift and revitalise your energetic field and vibration.

Violet Flame

This track is designed to induce deep states of relaxation, promoting sleep. The intention & frequencies used are to clear the body through the use of the Violet Flame bowl. The Venusian energies are to support releasing blockages in the heart chakra, allowing for you to be open to the abundant flow of giving and receiving love.

This track is simple and sparse in its musicality, thus allowing the body to deeply relax to the repetitive nature & letting the mind slow to an almost sleeping state.

Great for:

- Anxiety - Sleep Disorders - Blockages of Emotions - Connecting to the Love Energies - Clearing & Cleansing hurt, pain, trauma - Very Gentle, Warm, Soft, Loving Track

Release Negative Thoughts & Return To Peace

The intention of the track is to create a deeply relaxed and stilled state of being. Listen through headphones and set the intention to release all negative thought currents, all looping thought patterns and energies of doubt or worry. Allow the sounds to fill your mind, your spirit and consciously watch your breathing slow -taking in cycles of breath - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, in - hold - and out for a count of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Throughout the track the use of the didgeridoo allows old energies to shake up, as the vibration of the instrument has a very clearing and cleansing effect.

Let yourself go, let old ways of thinking soften and mix into the creative forces of your Spirits true frequency: peace, relaxation, well-being, love, joy, and creativity!