Spiritual journey and holistic health track menu

Frequencies that support mind, body soul alignment. Great for deep relaxation, higher level meditation, connection to higher self and oneness with everything around us. Track selections include those that increase trust in intuition and align with the higher frequencies of our electromagnetic / bio-energetic energy. These tracks align with the energy of joy, happiness, gratitude, and love. Support clarity of thinking, compassion, understanding and connectedness to yourself, others, and all creation in the universe.

Inner earth realm

This track was composed with the intention of allowing one who is experiencing emotions of grief, isolation, loneliness, feeling lost etc. to have a space to go inward and reconnect to the Light within. There are many experiences on this human journey which can leave a long lasting effect on our state of being, our emotions and our connection to joy, peace, contentment and self-connection

This track employs the main frequency of 528hz which has shown benefits to bring about a centred state promoting more love, connection, centredness. 528 Hz is one of best Solfeggio frequencies which has a very relaxing effect on mind and body and listening to the music during bedtime can help people with sleep disorders by boosting sleep quality.

This track was channelled to heal and restore the energy field of the Emotional Body, the layer of our energy field that holds dense or trapped emotions. It brings you deeper into your physical body with the vibrations and frequencies/ chosen musical chords to allow yourself to let go and expand through uncomfortable emotions, and return to a state of centredness, grounding and acceptance of what is and love for Self.

This track can be used at any time of the day or night, when you feel you can’t move through looping thoughts or dense emotions, when you need to find calm in a chaotic period of life or just as a simple tool to connect back into your emotions -safely and held through loving frequencies and vibrations. Ground yourself into the now and feel yourself let go!

Heal the emotional body with source energy

Explore the Hidden Realms

This track is a journey for you to embark on with a pre-set intention to explore aspects of your consciousness, or concepts, or experiences potentially stored deep within the psyche. Music is a powerful transportation tool, in which you are able to visit memories, other worlds and beings crossed over.

So, as you listen, set your intention and open a portal of light and ask to be taken to be the observer of that which you seek. You are always supported a guided on your path, and the healing frequencies will allow for a space of contemplation in a safe and loving environment. 

Allow the natural sounds of Earth to provide stability and connection, listen to the waters, the piano lines and drift away - allow yourself to explore the hidden realms.

Egyptian Alchemy

This track is for those who wish to explore their Ancient Egyptian heritage, timelines, and soul aspects.

This track is not for the first-time meditator. The healing frequencies, codes and sacred voice have been channelled in connection with Isis and the highest timeline of that era - to usher in an initiation into the high frequency consciousness of that time. Close your eyes, go on a journey and set your intention to connect your Soul to the energy available at that time, feel it move throughout your physical body and energy bodies. Let go, and go within

Divine Feminine Healing

Intention: This track was composed to create a sensation of connection to Divine Feminine Energies, for connecting to a safe loving feminine presence, for those who don’t have a mother, or don’t have a mother they needed, for those who want to find balance in their own masculine and feminine energy channels, for those who

wish to accept and feel more self-love and accept love from the world around them, for those who wish to relax into a world of bliss, calm, high loving energies and open their heart to receiving more love and abundance.

This track has potent energies channelled through sacred voice, leaving you feeling connected to your multidimensionality and connection to Source and Love.:

Use this track when you are needing to realign masculine and feminine energies, when you’re needing to feel held, loved, safe, supported and transported to higher planes of existence to remember your own Divinity.

528hz Healing grief through reaching for the light

This track was composed with the intention of allowing one who is experiencing emotions of grief, isolation, loneliness, feeling lost etc. to have a space to go inward and reconnect to the Light within. There are many experiences on this human journey that can leave a long-lasting effect on our state of being, our emotions and our connection to joy, peace, contentment and self-connection.

This track employs the main frequency of 528hz which has shown benefits to bring about a centred state promoting more love, connection, centredness. 528 Hz is one of best Solfeggio frequencies which has a very relaxing effect on mind and body and listening to the music during bedtime can help people with sleep disorders by boosting sleep quality.

Healing Power of The Ocean

Healing Power of the Ocean is a beautiful journey to connect you with the element of water - for purification, releasing toxic energies & negative thoughts, connecting yourself back into nature. This track is deeply healing and holds the intention to harmonise the water molecules of the body. This track is gentle, slow and makes space for you to breathe deep and to reflect on your life. Sacred Toning throughout the track allows your body to harmonise and connect to your innate self-healing abilities.

 Set your intention for any mental, emotional, physical or spiritual upheaval, healing, relaxation or integration. Close your eyes, breathe deep and relax into the healing power of the ocean

Fertility & Rebirth

This track was composed for a client who was hoping to be supported in conceiving a baby, This track was composed with the frequencies for healing the womb space, 528hz for heart expansion, 10 crystal singing bowls to align feminine and masculine energies as channelled intention to create a pathway to open to a sense of rebirth and fertility.

This track is perfect for those who want to birth a new idea, concept or pathway in life. For upgrading the body and connecting to the energy of fertility. For a deep relaxation and rest, as 70% of disease is stress-related. Relax and go into the beauty of Fertility & Rebirth

Gentle Gong Journey

This track is created with the Side Real Moon Gong, the sounds of nature and an intention to use the clearing frequencies to shift any stagnant emotions, energies, resonance within the body to make way for a new state of being. 

One of renewal, connection to self and Source, and harmony with your surroundings. Allow yourself to go on a journey supported by the healing crystalline intelligence of the Citrine Crystal Bowl, Androgynous Indium - for balancing masculine and feminine energies - and the Thera Gold bowl - for providing a stabilising container to release and shift, shift, shift! 

Breathe into your systems - nervous system, skeletal systems, endocrine system and more the power of the Gong - and breathe out to make way for the new energies and frequencies for the body to thrive.